Thursday, April 14, 2016

Para siempre Dios esté con vos‏

That is Himno #89, God be with you til we meet again. It is sung to all missionaries here on their last Sunday. guess who gets it this weekend?

Hola familia y amigos! firstly, DO NOT SEND ANY EMAILS TO CARPACKAGE AFTER FRIDAY. If you do, I will be gone before I get them. thanks!

Things are pretty normal here! We are doing a lot of travel prep, and tomorrow is completely dedicated to in-field training. I leave Monday morning at 5:30 am. I´m the only one going to Illinois (surprise surprise) but I think a few other missionaries are driving up with me. They have a bunch of weird rules and extra charges for carry ons and more than one bag, so I may be getting rid of some things before I go. We spend our gym time on Saturday packing. I don´t know how soon I will get to email once I get to Chicago. 

The temple last week was wonderful! We get to go again today. The virus is pretty much gone, and thankfully I didn't catch it at all. super lucky. On Tuesday we had an extra compañera: Hermana Jones, who´s whole district left before her. She stayed with us all day and slept over, then left Wednesday morning at 2 am. It was way fun! She is serving in Fresno California. We finished with teaching all our investigators, which was so sad! We wanted to stay and help them to baptism (even though they are our teachers just acting as investigators). 
I am delivering a postcard for an Hermana in my mission. It came after she left the CCM. That´s kinda exciting. :) We found out far too late that the cupboards in our classroom are perfect for storing treats and drinks for between classes. SO much potential lost! Oh well, we made sure to use them this past week. Hermana Hunsaker in our district was sent a ton of food from her mom, and shared it with us. (side note, one of those things was trail mix. I innocently ate 4 handfuls before realizing it had cashews. I had a headache for about an hour. )
Our maestro (teacher) Hermano Lara has a fun way of making sure we pay attention in Language class. Any time we don´t repeat back a sentence perfectly, we owe the class 20 galletas, or cookies (hermanas) or pushups (elders). Hermana Schaffner is in extreme galleta debt. :)

I have homework for you! read 2 Nephi 31. It isn't super long but it is so good!! Please do it. 

Our district leader challenged us to take the test in Preach my Gospel that determines our level on all the Christlike attributes, and ten to study about and work on one we scored low on. I chose Patience. There is a Book of Mormon challenge, I believe from Elder Bednar, that is: If you have a question about something or want to know more about a particular topic, get a brand new cheap Book of Morn¿mon, and read the whole thing cover to cover while marking all the things about that particular topic or question. Then do it again with a new topic. I plan to do it with Patience. 

I love you all and will soon be in the same country as you again! Work hard, Love the Lord, and eat chocolate. Til next week!

Hermana Hokanson

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