Monday, August 29, 2016

Invitar a las personas a venir a Cristo‏

Family and friends,

What. A. Week! The mission life is far from boring, and far from
normal! We are completely exhausted, but happy!

Some important people:

Hmna Sorensen: my new companion is SO COOL. I love her! We get along
great, and have tons of fun! She is a hard worker, very spiritual, and
a great missionary. She is also gorgeous, but I don't have any selfies
to prove it because we forgot to take some. Sorry, next week.

Monrreal fam: We just left the home of the Monrreals, where Hmna
Monrreal was teaching us how to make flan (yummy Mexican dessert that
is similar to cheesecake but... Mexican. And without a crust. ). We
are heading back there tonight to make enchiladas, and have a noche de
hogar with Ana and Andres! We are so excited, because we are teaching
about prophets and watching the Restoration video (the 20min one), and
having a mini testimony meeting! And of course, eating enchiladas and
flan. One of the less-active youth in our ward Alondra might be coming
too! We've been working really closely with the Monrreal fam to help
prepare Andres for baptism. They are awesome and have helped us so

Alondra: speaking of Alondra, we had a great lesson this week with her
and her sister Paloma! Alondra has come to church every week since she
returned from Mexico- which is a huge miracle! She is now working with
us to try and get Paloma to come. Paloma promised she would be there
this week, but sadly wasn't. One step at a time!

Andres: Tuesday we taught him the law of tithing, fasting, and fast
offerings. Thursday we taught him the law of chastity. Both he
accepted whole heartedly, and agreed to live them! Andres loves his
Gospel Library app, and studies it in his free time. Saturday we
helped him and Ana prepare for the baby shower of Ana's daughter. We
cut limes, crumbled queso fresco, and opened cans of chile. It was
super fun, and a great bonding moment for the 4 of us! They have
become super comfortable with us, and have really opened up. We hope
that as Andres prepares for baptism, Ana will see the change in him
and have a desire to know for herself!

Rodriguez fam: we visited the Rodriguez fam (inactive part member
family), and set up a noche de hogar with them for this coming Sunday!
We are super excited, and hope that this will help us understand
better what they need right now. They are a bit everywhere, and don't
have a huge desire to return to church. But we know how special and
loved they are, and aren't giving up anytime soon!

Eleazar: we went to visit Eleazar this week. We started teaching him,
but as we spoke he pulled a huge harmonica out of his pocket, and
proceeded to play 3 traditional Mexican songs for us! I can't say I
was disappointed, he is really good. Especially for being his age, he
knows how to play! Maybe we'll actually teach him something next time.

Cecilia: we stopped by her house this week, and set up an appointment
for Tuesday! Super excited! She told us that her 13 yr old son Josue
has been reading the Book of Mormon before bed to help him relax and
sleep better! Maybe he thinks it's boring and puts him to sleep, but
either way, he is reading it! That's more than most of our
investigators, and we hope that sparks a desire to learn more in him.

Yesterday was our Día de Invitación, where everyone in the ward would
invite one person to come to church, and we would have a special
sacrament meeting. It went really well! Our one person was Andres (ok,
he kind of came on his own. But still.). We saw at least 10 new faces,
and sacrament meeting was super well done! We then watched Meet the
Mormons, and had snacks. Andres liked the movie so much he wants to
show it to Ana! We spent a lot of Saturday handing out fliers. Even
though no one came because of it, we can say we did our best to bring
as many people as possible. We are measured by our desire and our
efforts, not by numbers!

The church is true, God loves you, and you can do anything you set
your mind to! Stay strong everyone, and have a great week!


Hermana Hokanson

1319 Butterfield rd ste 522
Downers Grove IL 60515-5515

Two areas= twice the miracles!‏

Our District

Main points: Andres is getting baptized.... Kind of. We have been
running non stop all week! Literally running- sprinting across
driveways to the car to get to our next appointment on time! Covering
two areas is so crazy! But trios are the best! I love hermanas Webb
and Roberts! I'm going back to Aurora, and my new companion is Hermana
Sorensen! To explain all this better, I should probably give you a
day-by-day update. 

 Tuesday: we taught 2 lessons, and taught family history to some
Spanish members here. It was so cool! We don't have a family history
center in our Aurora church building, so it was a cool experience to
be in one and see how it works. We taught a lesson to an investigator
named Maura. She is older and blind, but very sweet. She was very
worried about some family problems she has, and we weren't sure how to
help her. And then I had that cheesy experience that everyone talks
about: I opened up to a scripture and it was exactly what we needed!
The spirit was strong and she seemed a lot better when we left. We
taught Brian, who is an investigator getting baptized next week! The
lesson was great, and I'm very excited for him. 

 Wednesday: Hmna Roberts and I woke up sick. I knew it was inevitable,
since I haven't gotten really sick my whole mission. Turns out Hmna
Roberts is an Essential oils guru, and mixed up some stuff to help us
feel better. Hmna Webb turns into mama bear every time someone is
sick, and spent the next few days taking good care of us and giving us
"the look" if we say no to naps during meal hours or medicine. We had
district meeting, read the Book of Mormon out loud in Spanish and
translated it into English, taught English class, and taught two more
awesome lessons! We taught Cynthia, a wonderful lady that we taught
the plan of salvation, and helped her agree to a baptismal date in
October! We taught another investigator named Aurora the plan of
salvation as well, because she said her brother died 2 months ago. She
hoped that when she met us, we would be able to help her feel peace
about it. What a cool experience to tell her about this plan! 

Thursday: we had a lesson with some members, and drove as quickly as
legally possible to Aurora for a lesson with Andres. We had prayed a
couple weeks ago about what day needed to be his baptismal date. We
felt very strongly the 28th of August. That felt super soon then, and
even sooner now (since it is next week). We prayed again to make sure,
and it felt right. We asked him that night if he would be baptized the
28th. The spirit wooshed in, and I felt power behind the invitation.
He said yes! We were so excited for him and felt completely confident. 

 Friday: we spent nearly all day figuring out the baptisms for Brian
and Andres. We taught two lessons to investigators in members homes. 

 Saturday: there were 2 baptisms going on at two different churches.
Cynthia attended an English baptism in Naperville, and Brian and
Andres attended a Spanish one in Aurora! It was awesome! People are
80% more likely to be baptized themselves if they attend someone
else's baptism, says some random statistic I heard one time. Also
Brian passed his baptismal interview! We went to an interfaith picnic,
where 4-5 different church congregations get together at a Protestant
church and eat yummy food and play games. It was so cool! 

 Sunday: we drove back and forth from Aurora and Naperville all day! We
attended 2 ward councils and some other meetings, sacrament meeting of
one ward, relief society of another. So fun! Right before the ward
council in Aurora, we got a text from Andres saying he was sick. We
were planning to teach him that morning, so we were a bit bummed. We
called him to see how he was, and he did what we feared- he canceled
his baptism! He basically said it was too fast, so we can say he
postponed it. We were heartbroken- not because we won't get a baptism
this weekend, but because he doesn't feel ready (but he answered
almost everything correct when we told him the questions for the
baptismal interview). We know we felt inspired for the 28th. But
agency is real, and sometimes God has something bigger in mind.

We can actually see the city of Chicago from this area! 

 Funny side stories:
On Monday, We met the elders at Walmart to give them some air
mattresses we had for a new elder. We then went into Walmart to get
some stuff, and when we got out we had 'I'm a Mormon' cards stuck in
every door handle of our car! (This is funny because this is what
missionaries do at grocery stores sometimes, since it is illegal to
put cards on windshields here.) missionary inside jokes are the best. 

On Sunday, we helped Brian get access to the baptismal clothes so he
could try them on. He has two little kids, a boy named Joshua and a
girl named Ariana. Joshua looks just like his dad, and Ariana has
fiery red hair and dark brown eyes, even though Brian is from Mexico.
They are the most adorable kids I've ever seen. Hmna Roberts has
bright red hair too, and she walked into the primary room with Ariana
holding her finger. The lady in the room thought she was her daughter!
It was so funny!! 

 In the end: God is good, and He knows what He is doing! Trust Him!
I love you all!! 

 Hermana Hokanson
1319 Butterfield rd ste 522
Downers Grove IL 60515-5515

Two English students: Rosie and Blanca

How we looked all week. We are so tired....
I took a nap during planning, and Hmna Webb pretended like she killed me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Headed to Naperville


This was a week to remember! My beautiful companion is honorably
finishing her mission, and will be going home tomorrow. Since
transfers are technically next week, I will be serving in a trio in
Naperville with Hmna Webb and Hmna Roberts! It's about 30 min from
Aurora, so we will be going back and forth a bit for a couple
appointments here in Aurora. We tried to push everything else to next
week, when I will be back in Aurora with a new companion! A bit crazy,
but I'm excited to work with the Naperville hermanas!
We had a great Zone Conference on Tuesday, all about Joseph Smith. He
has definitely been the theme of the past couple weeks! My testimony
of him as a Prophet of God has grown so much over the past few months.
I always knew it, but it has been confirmed to me over and over as we
teach and share his experience with others.
We had a really stressful day this week, where we ended up spending
Spanish studies listening to a general conference talk in Spanish and
painting. I haven't painted in 5 months (back home I did it at least
once a week) it felt SO GOOD. I didn't realize how much I missed it!
It's crazy how different of a life we live here. So many things that
are normal for others, are things that don't even cross our minds.
This is almost like another dimension, full of scriptures and weird
people and Spanish.

Andres: he canceled our appointment and didn't come to church, because
he has his family over this weekend. But on Monday we taught him the
Word of Wisdom, and he accepted it whole heartedly! We are trying to
get him to a baptism of a girl in our ward this weekend, but we won't
be in Aurora so it's a bit difficult. Fingers crossed.

Cecilia: she fed us dinner Thursday! We shared a message about the
Book of Mormon, and she seemed to like it. We have high hopes for her!

Eleazar: an older man we taught this week, he is awesome and wants me
to marry his nephew and Hmna Walton to marry his nephew's friend. He
loves the Book of Mormon, and has been reading it on his own! But he
is going out of town this week and doesn't knew when he'll be back. We
hope we can get in with him again!

Jennifer: a teen that was in our records as someone who wasn't keeping
commitments. We stopped by her house, set up an appointment, and
taught her on Thursday. She is so sweet and shy, but genuine. She is
worried about college and her future, but has turned to God in the
past. We have an appointment this coming Wednesday! We are super
excited for her!

Chris: We had a powerful lesson with Chris yesterday. I think I
mentioned him a couple weeks ago (the son of Fernando). He read the
restoration pamphlet we had given him, and said that he looked up a
lot of the questions he had on the Internet. We were a bit nervous
about that, but he asked us and we clarified anything he was wondering
about. We taught an overview of the restoration, but with his
questions we focused mainly on priesthood power. He has a strong
belief in God, and said that what we were explaining made sense. He
was surprised the Joseph Smith was just a common boy. The spirit was
very strong when we testified of the Book of Mormon and finding out
for ourselves. He was very obviously touched, and shared with us that
he felt like he was questioning all that he knew. He felt something
(the Holy Ghost) that was telling him that there is more that he
didn't know was there, but was true. We assured him that this would
only add to his faith, and he seemed very grateful and a bit
overwhelmed. It was a cool experience, to see an honest seeker of
truth realize for the first time that God had more planned for him
than he ever knew. We felt inspired to have him read Alma 32 this

Miguel: We went to visit a potential investigator named George. When
we got there, out came a different guy- holding a Book of Mormon! His
name is Miguel, and it turns out the English elders have been teaching
him for 2 years! He was very nice and we were pretty excited to see
someone who actually read the Book of Mormon. Pray for Miguel please!

Well, I love you all! Here are a couple quotes I love. Read them if
you need a pick-me-up! Til next week!


"Part of our difficulty as we strive to acquire spirituality is the
feeling that there is much to do and that we are falling far short.
Perfection is something yet ahead for every one of us; but we can
capitalize on our strengths, begin where we are, and seek after the
happiness that can be found in pursuing the things of God. We should
remember the Lord’s counsel:
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the
foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that
which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing
mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of
Zion in these last days.” (D&C 64:33–34.)
It has always been encouraging to me that the Lord said it is the
“willing and obedient [who] shall eat the good of the land of Zion in
these last days.” All of us can be willing and obedient. If the Lord
had said the perfect shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these
last days, I suppose some of us would be discouraged and give up. …
The place to begin is here. The time to start is now. The length of
our stride needs be but one step at a time. God, who has “designed our
happiness,” will lead us along even as little children, and we will by
that process approach perfection."
-Teachings of Howard W. Hunter (chapter 4)


“As we put our faith and trust in the Lord, we must battle our pain
day by day and sometimes hour by hour, even moment by moment; but in
the end, we understand that marvelous counsel given to the Prophet
Joseph Smith as he struggled with his pain of feeling forgotten and
isolated in Liberty Jail:

“‘My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine
afflictions shall be but a small moment;
“‘And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou
shalt triumph over all thy foes’ (D&C 121:7–8).

“My dear brothers and sisters, when pain, tests, and trials come in
life, draw near to the Savior. ‘Wait upon the Lord, … look for him’
(Isaiah 8:17; 2 Nephi 18:17). ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they
shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint’
(Isaiah 40:31). Healing comes in the Lord’s time and the Lord’s way;
be patient”
(Elder Robert D. Hales; in Conference Report, Oct. 1998, 19; or
Ensign, Nov. 1998, 17).

Hermana Hokanson

Monday, August 8, 2016

5 Months In!

At The Zoo


Just so you know, I have the best mission presidents ever in the
history of mission presidents. I love Sister and President Griffin so
much!! Sister Griffin came out with us for a few hours on Saturday,
and it was a blast! We knocked a lot of doors and talked to some
pretty crazy people. Which was super fun, because Sister Griffin is
the nicest most innocent person ever, and would be testifying of
Christ while people are yelling at us that they are atheist and "ya
can't change what I believe!" I hope all of you get to meet pres and
sis Griffin one day.

Some investigator updates:

Andres: he came to church!!!! We were so happy! He said he enjoyed it,
and we barely saw him the whole time which means he was hanging out
with the members and other missionaries. We are teaching him the word
of wisdom tonight. I'm not super nervous about it because I think his
only problem is tea. We are super excited! We want to put him on date
soon as well, the teaching environment just hasn't been the best this
past week. Hopefully tonight or later this week. We had a pretty
touching moment during weekly planning. We didn't know what date he
would be ready for baptism, so we decided to pray. I did it in English
and the spirit was super strong. I realized how much I love Andres and
wish so much that he knew the truth for himself. I cannot stress how
important every single soul is to God! I've had the opportunity to
feel that love of God for other people (In a Small degree) from time
to time, and Andres is definitely one of them. He is so special you
guys. Pray for him please. 

Aline: we have not had any contact with her, but we saw her mom at the
food pantry! Step by step. 

Gabriella: we taught the restoration at the home of the Ortiz sisters,
two single sisters in our Ward. Gabriella is their friend from work.
It was a powerful lesson, there were tears shed and scriptures read.
We had a follow up lesson with her Sunday but she canceled. Prayers
for Gabriella!! 

 Wil Paul: a man we met while contacting. He is college age and speaks
English, so our next lesson is a pass-off lesson to the English
elders. He is amazing though! He had so many genuine questions, was
very respectful, and we could tell he really was searching for the
truth. He read the whole pamphlet before our lesson, which only
sometimes happens. We are excited to see how he progresses with the

 Cecilia: we love Cecilia! She is the sweetest! We stopped by to visit
her and ended up talking to her for nearly 30 min about some struggles
she is overcoming, and what to do. We set up a time to come back
because we had another appointment. That day she called us a few hours
before to see if we were still coming! That may not seem like a big
deal but that never happens with investigators. When we arrived she
gathered her whole family in the living room and asked us to pray with
them. We said a prayer, and talked to them for a bit, expecting the
older kids to leave (they didn't want to be there originally). But no
one left, and we ended up teaching the whole family the restoration!
It was awesome! We talked to Cecilia for a bit alone after the lesson,
and we asked if there was anything we could do to help her. She said
she was having a huge 3-4 day yard sale and had a lot of stuff to move
to the front yard. The next 3 mornings (not 4 because we can't do
things like this on Sunday) we went to her house and
moved/organized/cleaned stuff for her yard sale. It was so so fun!
Plus we bought some random shirts for local and not-so-local sports
teams from her sale. You can never have too many workout shirts! :) 

We were leaving an appointment on Friday when a huge white van pulls
over to the side of the road right by us. We were a bit surprised, and
a little worried until we saw a beautiful smiling face of a Latino
lady in her late 30s. She started excitedly talking Spanish to us, and
it turns out she is a member from California! Her name is Hermana
Janet and husband (in the drivers seat) Felix is not a member. They
are in the area for a few days for work, and wanted to visit the
Chicago temple. We sadly didn't have the address they needed, but we
gave them the address to the church for if they were still in town by
Sunday. And they came! It was so awesome to sit by them and talk to
them about their son who is serving a mission right now, and about our
investigators. I miss them already! What a great blessing to have met

We just had a great zone activity where we did the usual: soccer,
volleyball, Frisbie, Football. It was at a forest reserve park, super

Hmna Walton had a dream that we were in Mexico and Dwayne The Rock
Johnson bought us tacos. A prophesy? I think so. 

Have a buenísimo semana! 
 Hermana Hokanson 
 1319 Butterfield rd ste 522
Downers Grove IL 60515-5515

Exchanges and The Miracles of Walking

Yep Family

Fun Hermana Exchanges

Another crazy awesome week here in Aurora! I'll touch on some highlights: 

Some significant lessons: We had another noche de hogar with Andres at
the home of the Monrreals. This time we taught about the spirit and
listening to his promptings, to help him receive an answer about if he
should be baptized or not. He seemed to enjoy the lesson, but not be
any closer to baptism. He has been baptized into 3 other churches so
he doesn't want to be baptized again. A bit of a pickle, but we have
faith that he will know for himself that this is true! 

We taught the Cortez familia (inactive members with 2 non member kids)
the plan of salvation, and it went really well! They seemed to like it
a lot, and Destiny (age 16) was participating and asking questions. So
fun! We love this family and hope for the very best for them. 

Exchanges: for exchanges this week I went up to Wheaton and I was with
Hmna Osborne! It was insanely fun. We taught a new investigator that
we will be passing off to the English elders because she is English.
But she was way cool and loved the Book of Mormon! We had a solid
contact with a Latino lady on the street, and talked to her for nearly
30 min about the Book of Mormon and having a sure foundation. She even
gave us a referral! We ate dinner with a single older lady in Hmna
Osborne's ward and had amazing burgers with sweet potato fries, and
home made rice crispies. I would call that very successful.

Rain at the food pantry: Friday it rained harder and longer than we've
seen in a long time! We were at the food pantry as usual, and spent
the whole time running people to their cars with umbrellas over them
and their food. About 5 minutes in we were completely drenched, and
that isn't an exaggeration. It was pretty fun for the first hour but
the 2 hours after that were a bit cold. :) people were so grateful
though! Even just a little protection from the loco tiempo made them
smile. There was a small boy with his mom there- Hmna Walton was
helping her and I was helping the boy. He was pretty scared of the
rain and was covering his face with his hands, but he felt a bit more
safe as I encouraged him and held the umbrella close to him. It was so
sweet and genuine and I loved being a part of this work. We also had
one of the workers come up to us and say "they can help you" referring
to a lady who looked really upset. We were confused, but she said she
just needs prayers for someone named Tim. The worker referred her to
us because they knew we could pray for Tim. We kind of tried to
explain that everyone can pray for Tim, but we ended up just agreeing
to help her relax. It is so interesting how much people turn to us for
religious leadership and guidance, even though we are the youngest
people there. #HolyGhost #MissionaryLife

Walking Miracles: We did a lot of walking this week because we have a
limit for how many miles we can drive, and we went over (partly
because we are super bad at planning but also because our gps is
broken so we have do do a bit of exploring). But it's alright, because
we've had lots of little miracles due to our efforts to walk more and
drive less! We've met lots of cool people, gotten some appointments,
given away some Books of Mormon, and waved at a lot of people.
One of the cool people we met was Chris, the son of Fernando
(Fernanado is a man we set up an appointment with, but he texted us
and canceled the morning of and we haven't been able to get back in
with him again). We saw Chris park in front of his house and get out,
still wearing his uniform from work (McDonalds) and holding a bag of
food. We talked to him for nearly 30 min about religion, the Book of
Mormon, prayers, how super heroes are stories from the bible, etc...
It was a great conversation and we have a return appointment for this
We also met Isaiah Christmas, a friend of a member of our ward that
Hmna Buehner and I taught one time. He is a retired African-American
man who rides a motorcycle and loves God. He was excited to see us and
we talked for a while. He said he still thinks about what we taught
him (we taught about service, using the scripture in the Book of
Mormon from King Bengamin). After a pretty in depth conversation about
our testimonies and service, we gave him a Book of Mormon and a
restoration pamphlet, and said a prayer with him. We walked by a
minute later and saw him reading the pamphlet! I also got a genuine
100% leather jacket at a yard sale for $3. 

 Wow, you read the whole thing! Thanks, that means a lot to me. :) I
love you all- remember who you are!
 Hermana Hokanson
With Hermana Osborne!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Have miracles ceased?‏

Have miracles ceased?

Moroni 7:27-29 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased
because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the
right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he
hath upon the children of men?

For he hath answered the ends of the law, and he claimeth all those
who have faith in him... And because he hath done this, my beloved
brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither
have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."
I can add my testimony to Moroni! Miracles have not ceased, and nor
will they ever! It has been a week of small but significant miracles,
and there is no way to really tell you all what we are experiencing.
The bad and the good, combined with Illinois weather, has make this
week memorable.

Speaking of the weather: we had both heat waves during the day and a
ton of storms every night- so you can imagine how the humidity has
been. :) one night the thunder was so loud a car alarm went off in our
parking lot! We thought buildings were falling all around us, it was
We dropped Armando- and we feel ok about it. He wasn't ready, and we
pray he will find the missionaries again. We started teaching 6 new
investigators: Marta and her boyfriend Noah (Noé), Eleazar and his
wife Imelda, a man named Manuel, and an older man also named Eleazar.
They are all awesome! We don't know much about them, but they all seem
genuinely interested and we pray for the best.

We had a Noche De Hogar with Andres at Bishop's house Monday. That
went really well. We taught Andres again Saturday. We are a bit
worried he isn't understanding what we are teaching him because of the
medicine he is taking to help his hurt knee. He says he can stop
taking it at the beginning of August, so we aren't giving up yet! His
sister Ana has been friendly but says she is busy when we want to meet
with her. Prayers!

We had the opportunity to do a ton of service this week! We had our
usual visit to the Food Pantry, but we stayed an hour longer to clean
up because many volunteers needed to leave. We heart attacked an
inactive members door (the Cortez family) leaving them notes and
cards. We have been meeting with the mom and daughter, Sarai and
Destiny, for a few weeks which has been so great! We Made and ate
dinner with our investigator Aline and her mom, and shared a story
form the Book of Mormon with them. Aline is amazing! She is 15 and so
mature beyond her age. We made cards to thank members that have helped

Quote of the week:

"...Do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for
abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will
be no miracle, but you will be the miracle."
-President Thomas S. Monson
Oct 2007 General Conference (three goals to guide you)

Go be the miracle! I promise you that the Lord has something planned
for you that is far bigger than you could ever imagine!! We're headed
out to go to the zoo with the other hermanas in our district, so have
a wonderful week!!! 

All my love,

Hermana Hokanson
My Zone