At The Zoo |
Just so you know, I have the best mission presidents ever in the history of mission presidents. I love Sister and President Griffin so much!! Sister Griffin came out with us for a few hours on Saturday, and it was a blast! We knocked a lot of doors and talked to some pretty crazy people. Which was super fun, because Sister Griffin is the nicest most innocent person ever, and would be testifying of Christ while people are yelling at us that they are atheist and "ya can't change what I believe!" I hope all of you get to meet pres and sis Griffin one day.
Some investigator updates: Andres: he came to church!!!! We were so happy! He said he enjoyed it, and we barely saw him the whole time which means he was hanging out with the members and other missionaries. We are teaching him the word of wisdom tonight. I'm not super nervous about it because I think his only problem is tea. We are super excited! We want to put him on date soon as well, the teaching environment just hasn't been the best this past week. Hopefully tonight or later this week. We had a pretty touching moment during weekly planning. We didn't know what date he would be ready for baptism, so we decided to pray. I did it in English and the spirit was super strong. I realized how much I love Andres and wish so much that he knew the truth for himself. I cannot stress how important every single soul is to God! I've had the opportunity to feel that love of God for other people (In a Small degree) from time to time, and Andres is definitely one of them. He is so special you guys. Pray for him please.
Aline: we have not had any contact with her, but we saw her mom at the food pantry! Step by step.
Gabriella: we taught the restoration at the home of the Ortiz sisters, two single sisters in our Ward. Gabriella is their friend from work. It was a powerful lesson, there were tears shed and scriptures read. We had a follow up lesson with her Sunday but she canceled. Prayers for Gabriella!!
Wil Paul: a man we met while contacting. He is college age and speaks English, so our next lesson is a pass-off lesson to the English elders. He is amazing though! He had so many genuine questions, was very respectful, and we could tell he really was searching for the truth. He read the whole pamphlet before our lesson, which only sometimes happens. We are excited to see how he progresses with the elders.
Cecilia: we love Cecilia! She is the sweetest! We stopped by to visit her and ended up talking to her for nearly 30 min about some struggles she is overcoming, and what to do. We set up a time to come back because we had another appointment. That day she called us a few hours before to see if we were still coming! That may not seem like a big deal but that never happens with investigators. When we arrived she gathered her whole family in the living room and asked us to pray with them. We said a prayer, and talked to them for a bit, expecting the older kids to leave (they didn't want to be there originally). But no one left, and we ended up teaching the whole family the restoration! It was awesome! We talked to Cecilia for a bit alone after the lesson, and we asked if there was anything we could do to help her. She said she was having a huge 3-4 day yard sale and had a lot of stuff to move to the front yard. The next 3 mornings (not 4 because we can't do things like this on Sunday) we went to her house and moved/organized/cleaned stuff for her yard sale. It was so so fun! Plus we bought some random shirts for local and not-so-local sports teams from her sale. You can never have too many workout shirts! :)
We were leaving an appointment on Friday when a huge white van pulls over to the side of the road right by us. We were a bit surprised, and a little worried until we saw a beautiful smiling face of a Latino lady in her late 30s. She started excitedly talking Spanish to us, and it turns out she is a member from California! Her name is Hermana Janet and husband (in the drivers seat) Felix is not a member. They are in the area for a few days for work, and wanted to visit the Chicago temple. We sadly didn't have the address they needed, but we gave them the address to the church for if they were still in town by Sunday. And they came! It was so awesome to sit by them and talk to them about their son who is serving a mission right now, and about our investigators. I miss them already! What a great blessing to have met them.
We just had a great zone activity where we did the usual: soccer, volleyball, Frisbie, Football. It was at a forest reserve park, super pretty.
Hmna Walton had a dream that we were in Mexico and Dwayne The Rock Johnson bought us tacos. A prophesy? I think so.
Have a buenĂsimo semana!
Hermana Hokanson
1319 Butterfield rd ste 522 Downers Grove IL 60515-5515
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