Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hola From Bloomingdale!

At Steak N Shake

 They gave us a whole chicken after the baby shower...
Hola! Crazy week over here in Bloomingdale! Sorry there isn't much to write. But I'm really excited for this area! It seems that there has been a bit of a disconnect in the past between missionaries and members, but that's about to change. We are meeting with at least one active member every day this next week, and visiting 2-3 inactive members each day (with cookies of course). We are excited to get this going! 
My new companion Hmna Eldredge is adorable! I love her to pieces. Training is the funnest thing ever. We get an extra hour of study time, and we use it doing practices and studies together, and watching videos called "the district" of other missionaries teaching. Hmna Eldredge is hard working and super motivated, and loves the people a lot. She also knows the area super well, which is awesome because I literally have been here for a week and don't know anything. I got to know the Branch (we have a branch!) pretty well because we helped out with a baby shower on Saturday. I've also spilled dramatically 2 different times at members homes, so I guess you could say we've gotten to know each other pretty well! :)

Justa: an investigator that has been taught for a few months now. We taught her twice before she dropped us on Saturday, because her husband (?) says he doesn't want us to visit her anymore. So sad! But we lover her and pray for her. 

Asunción, Ivan, Belinda, Neydi, and Aleida : what a beautiful family! Hmna Eldredge met Asunción (Ción, pronounced 'Chon') and Ivan tracting a few weeks ago, and taught them the restoration. Ción is the dad, Ivan is a family friend, the others are Ción's daughters. The dad came to one session of conference! Then I met them, and we taught the plan of salvation. The three girls were there and loved participating! We then came back and read in the Book of Mormon with them, which they loved as well. They all wanted to take turns reading! And Neydi, the oldest, has been reading on her own and got to chapter 4 of 1 Nephi!! We have fallen in love with this family and their faith. Ción and the girls came to church on Sunday too! We have not met Ción's wife yet though. We are bringing marking tabs and scripture markers to the girls tomorrow for their Books of Mormon. 

Our Halloween cups!
Diomara: a referral from the English elders on our area! We had a weird feeling that we needed to visit here asap, and we had just finished with a lesson, so we headed right over. She requested a Book of Mormon and the elders didn't have Spanish. We brought one to her, and ended up teaching a lesson about prophets, the Book of Mormon, and a bunch of other things! She is from Puerto Rico, and super curious. She asked so many questions we didn't know where to start! We are super excited to teach her again tomorrow. While we were teaching her, her husband walked in with a bouquet of flowers for her... pretty awkward but kind of cute to witness. Haha. 

Eloisa: a referral from church headquarters! We tried to contact her but the person at the door said she is sick. So, next week. But we're still excited!

We ate with Hmna Smith from Guatemala, Hmna Paredes and the Gutierrez family from Mexico, and hmnas Rendón and Ramirez from Columbia!There is definitely a lot more variety of countries in this branch than Aurora, which has been super fun! 

Love you! Have a good week! Read your scriptures!
Hermana Hokanson
 Free day with the hermanas in our ward! #sodaonmondays

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