Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"And bring them from bondage"

Living legends with Andres!
"The harvest is great, and the lab’rers are few; 
But if we’re united, we all things can do.
We’ll gather the wheat from the midst of the tares
And bring them from bondage, from sorrows and snares."
Hymn #319

I think as missionaries we have one of the coolest assignments ever; to save people from spiritual bondage and show them a better way. Of course, to be able to do that we need to be living that better way. So in the end, who is really being saved? the investigator or the missionary? I'd say both.

It's been a wonderful week, llena de Milagros! We did a lot of work with members this week, particularly the relief society president. We also had lots of really good meetings and planned some great things for our areas and our zone. We went on exchanges with the Elgin 1 sisters and it was a blast! They are wonderful missionaries and we're such good sports about going to Spanish lessons with us and sitting there confused the whole time. :) they got some authentic Mexican food though!
Exchanges- sisters Andersen and Wilson

We brought Maria with us to teach Ricardo the word of wisdom. It was awesome! She has such a strong testimony, with only a couple weeks as a member! She is my role model. She was very bold with him and told
him with all confidence that the word of wisdom changes lives. If that doesn't convince him I don't know what will! He is still being a bit stubborn though, so prayers for Ricardo would be great. Also he came to church!

Andres is doing well, though he didn't make it to church. We will be teaching him tonight with some awesome members, so hopefully we will see better success next week. He came with us to a BYU Living legends (multicultural dance group) concert and really enjoyed it. We were lucky we got to go- the stake bought tickets for us if we brought investigators. Also I saw an old friend from Mountain View high school
in the cast- that was weird.

That's about it! Thank you for your love and support and prayers!

Con amor,
Hermana Hokanson

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