Wednesday, August 2, 2017

End of transfer miracles

Maricela at the picnic! 
Zone Pic

My companion is getting sent home for disobedience (KIDDING, she is the most obedient missionary I've ever met). But she is leaving me and finishing her mission! I'll miss her! 
I will be staying here for the next few weeks! I will be receiving hmna Eatough, who is one of my besties from Bloomingdale! Then, next week we will be receiving a brand new missionary! I'm so excited- I secretly wanted to train one more time but I didn't think I'd be able to! I'll only be training her for a week though.

Farewell party for hmna Wixom


Anayeli: remember Anayeli from a few months ago? We stopped teaching her because we lost contact with her, but last week she called us asking us to visit her! We did, and now she is on date for Sept 2! In our lesson we asked her what she feels like her next step is, and she said it's about time she gets baptized! We've taught her again since then and have a lesson for tonight. 

Church: we had a gazillion people at church this week! Anayeli and her sisters Ruth and Gabriela, Angel (María's grandson), Ricardo, and Elena brought her grandkids! Woo! We challenged Ricardo to wear a white shirt and tie, and he wore a grey shirt and tie. Close enough! He also arrived super early. Baby steps! 

Other stuff: 

The storm: we were teaching Ricardo at the church building yesterday, and heard this huge storm outside. By the time we needed to leave, it was raining so bad we could barely see! This is apparently normal for July. We all sprinted to our cars (we got completely soaked in 3.5 seconds) and slowly puttered home. Once we got there we found out the power was out in our entire apartment complex! So we fumbled through the dark for a bit. The power came back on around 1 am last night, thank goodness! But getting ready for bed was quite the adventure. 

Ricardo being himself.

They drove their car right up to the door so they didn't have to run in the rain. :) 
Us trying to get ready for bed in the dark.
Service: we served people this week! Yard work and packing up a house. 

Hmna Cuevas
Pioneer Day: we had a Pioneer Day picnic! Ricardo came and brought his sister Maria and her kids, and Maricela came with two of her daughters! Big success. 

French: we taught a lesson to someone in French using google translate and French scriptures on our tablets. Yay for technology! 

Aurora: we went on exchanges in Aurora and I taught Andres and Abraham and Hmna Cuevas! Sadly we have been informed that the area will be closing down for the transfer, which makes me super sad. But God is in charge and He knows what Aurora needs! God's way is always the best way. 

Well, here's a ton of pictures. 

Hermana Hokanson 


Why no one thinks I'm hispanic.

Andres bought me these...
Hmna Krebs, my Star Valley buddy!


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