Saturday, April 1, 2017


Relief Society Presidency

Addison Hermanas
Yep, I'm getting transferred! It seems that the areas get sick of me after exactly 6 months and then send me to a new one. Maybe I'll get to spend my last 6 months in this new area? :) I'm headed to Wheaton! It's an English Ward with a Spanish group in it. So that will be quite the adjustment! But I'm excited. I've been up there (... down there?) quite a bit for exchanges, so it won't be too foreign. I'll definitely be mission Bloomingdale though! These people are so great.

We went to Edgar's funeral, it was good. He's got missionaries on the other side that are teaching him the rest of the lessons. :) we also had 2 more specialized exchanges, one in Addison and the other in Elgin. Both were awesome! These hermanas really are so amazing, and I'm so lucky I got to work with them this past transfer. We had the relief society activity where we celebrated the 175 anniversary of the relief society. It went super well- a ton of people came! 
We also taught a new investigator named Miguel, who has a lot of potential. We actually teach him at his work in between jobs. He has a lot of desire to know the truth and just to be a good person. We also taught lots of other people. The work is progressing. 

Sorry this email will be mostly pictures. But I love you all a ton, and I'm so grateful for the love and support you have shown me. This work is worth it, these people are worth it. Til next week!

"How can we increase our faith? The same way we increase or develop any other skill. How do we develop skills in woodcarving, weaving, painting, cooking, making pottery, or playing a musical instrument? We study and practice and work at it. As we do so, we improve. So it is with faith. If we want to increase our faith in Jesus Christ, we must work at it."
-Gospel principles manual, faith in Jesus Christ 

Con amor,
Hermana Hokanson
The branch presidency

Fire Bending!
Hmna Jiménez
Our district plus elder Tedders

Hmno Motta
The Montesinos family

Hmno Avila, making his normal picture face. :|

Our English students, Victor and Daisy
Young women's presidency
Molina Family

Natalie :)

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