Monday, March 20, 2017

El plan de salvación

Add  I drew our district (hint, I'm in central )

This morning we received news that our investigator Edgar passed away at around 1 am. We all knew he was suffering quite a bit, And was in and out of the hospital all month. I'm happy that he is now home with his Heavenly Father and not suffering anymore. I sure will miss him though. He was talking about being baptized this April. He loved church so much, and gave up coffee and alcohol. I'm going to miss how smart he is and all his crazy stories of all the different countries he's lived in. The plan of salvation is real. I know I will see my dear friend again someday. I know that we met him for a reason. I saw the gospel change him little by little, a light was growing in his eyes. And now he can continue learning and growing on the other side of the veil. The Lord's plan is flawless. 
I'm having trouble remembering what we did this week, it all went by pretty fast. We went on 3 exchanges: 1 normal exchange with the hermanas in Addison (they came to our area), and 2 of the specialized training exchanges with the hermanas in Arlington heights and Rockford. For the specialized training exchanges we went to their areas and worked together there. All three were awesome! Rockford is probably furthest away from the mission home that I've been! It's a little over an hour drive from Bloomingdale. Hmna Díaz-Bonilla taught me how to use cruise control. :)
We also taught lots of people and taught English class and pretty much ran the whole week.
In honor of Edgar, we got his favorite Salvadoranian food: pupusas

Alma 40:23 The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame.

Hermana Hokanson 

Arlington Heights Hermanas
I forgot to mention that I hit my one year mark this wek! I'm one
year old! We ate cookies to celebrate.

Ok, have a good week!
Hermana Hokanson

It snowed today

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