Amigos y familia,
This week was busy! Not a ton of teaching but we had some good experiences! We had the worldwide missionary roadcast, where they changed a lot of the ways we keep records and make goals. That was a bit hard for me to get used to, after 10.5 months of the same goal-making, but it's been good! We've started teaching the leaders in our church the basic 5 lessons that we teach investigators, to help everyone strengthen their testimonies and have confidence in the missionary's teaching. So far, so good.
We had our noche de karaoke, which wasn't a huge turn out but it was still very fun! There were 2 non members there, and one of them was our investigator Gabriela! We found out a few days later that after we had left that night, she was still there talking to some members, and ended up getting a priesthood blessing from presidente Ruge. Our members are awesome!
We finally had an appointment with Santiago's wife Virginia! Santiago was a long lost inactive member, and his wife is not a member. We stopped by and talked to her about God, prayer, church, and lots of other stuff. This is huge progress- usually she shuts the door as soon as possible. :) but now she likes us!
We have officially stopped teaching Ción and the girls. This took us quite a while to accept, but now that it's done we feel peace about it all. The girls are still reading their Books of Mormon every day, and marking it on their Book of Mormon calendars. we plan to stop by whenever the spirit directs and we made sure they knew they were always invited to church and activities. God has a plan for them, and even if we don't know it yet, we do know it's better than our plan. This family will always have my heart though, and I am so excited for the day they will accept the gospel into their lives again!
We have a new investigator named Blanca! She is so cool. We taught her and her son the plan of salvation and have a return appointment this coming week. Her son German knows so much for an 11 yr old! He just finished his first communion in the Catholic Church and he has a surprisingly deep understanding of life. Lots of hope for this family!
On Sunday we had quite a bit happen- I gave a talk in sacrament meeting about fasting, to start out a month long fast we will be doing during February. Every member family will take turns fasting that they can find a family to refer to the missionaries, so we can start teaching them. We are excited to see the miracles!
We also finally taught Jocelyn, the inactive youth that has a non member dad that only kind of likes the missionaries. He said we could go over while he was a work. That was a super good decision, because we brought Hmna Frias who is in the young women's presidency, and really were able to help Jocelyn feel loved and listened to. She remembers a lot from her baptism but not much doctrine, so we plan to start teaching her regularly. And she said she would come to church!
We then had a noche de hogar with Clarita and Omar at the home of the family Montesinos. We talked about Christ and read in the Book of Mormon, and the spirit was super strong. It was definitely a success!
That's about it for the week, don't forget how much God loves you!
Hermana Hokanson
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