Monday, March 20, 2017



It's tornado season again!! Tuesday night we had to stay inside because of the tornado warning, so we finally cleaned our vacuum. Thanks, tornado. We jinxed ourselves when we said a couple weeks ago that it was springtime, it's not springtime. It's cold again. It snowed. But that's ok, we have a car. :)

It's been a good week! And by good, I mean extremely busy and a bit stressful but full of good things. Edgar came to the baptism that was held on Saturday for an 8 yr old in our branch, and he loved it! We also helped him pack up all his things so that people can change his carpet for a wood floor. This amazing Salvadorian man of 83 yrs has lived in 69 different countries, and has souvenirs from each one! So there was a lot of packing.

We also did trainings at new missionary training and zone training, which were really fun! We made everyone do a bunch of crazy stuff to teach about studies, like "head shoulders knees and toes" in Spanish, and trying to play a sport in suits and skirts. It was funny. :) but we also taught stuff, and that was important.

We went on exchanges with the Elgin hermanas, which was a blast! These hermanas are so hard working and great missionaries. We visited a lot of people! Hmna Cleveland and I made a sign that said "honk if you love Jesus, stop if you want a picture of Him!" And held it by the road. Lots of people honked, and one guy topped! His name is James, and someday he will get baptized. He had a lot of questions about the church. 
my cute companion being sang to for her birthday!

We had the relief society activity this week where we learned how to make yummy food and a member brought a non member friend, who loved it! We hope we can start working with her. We taught Blanca, who is doing great. We plan to bring the relief society president Hmna Montesinos with us to help her make some friends in the branch.

We also taught Pablo and Felix again, they are doing amazing! They really are so prepared. They were sad they couldn't make it to the baptism, they work a lot. (That seems to be a pretty common problem, people working so much.) but we taught them Sunday and they accepted the restoration wholeheartedly! They really want to know the scriptures better, so we plan to make a focus on that next week.

I'm feeling pretty good. Tired, busy, crazy, happy. I've felt such a strong love for these people this week. I love my branch so much. They are amazing!

Til next week,
Hermana Hokanson

This cool cat is named Nikolas

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